Mission Statement
Our mission is to produce the most effective, reliable, and user-friendly wastewater
treatment systems in the industry.

About Us
SeptiTech®, a subsidiary of BioMicrobics, Inc., has manufactured the certified STAAR® Filter Systems since 1996. STAAR® stands for “Smart Trickling Anaerobic/Aerobic Recirculating,” a description of the product’s process technology. The product treats residential and commercial wastewater in decentralized (onsite) applications, from single homes to large restaurants or hotels.
Awards & Certifications
SeptiTech® STAAR® smart technology is known for its design versatility and ability to accommodate non-standard applications such as
high strength waste and strict effluent requirements.
SeptiTech Experience
SeptiTech has installed STAAR® systems serving thousands of facilities. These include systems with flows of 200–76,000+ GPD. We have earned a reputation for consistent high-level treatment, which, paired with our innovation, versatility, and customer-friendly solution, makes us the outstanding choice for trickling filters. We provide a standard 2-year warranty on parts for manufacturer defects with the best customer service in the industry.

STAAR® Benefits
STAAR® Applications
200 – 6,000+ GPD
Multi-family Dwellings
Small Communities
200 – 27,000+ GPD